Sailesh Panchang: Thank you, Grace. This is Sailesh Panchang here. I am a principal accessibility consultant and customer success strategist with Deque. Right at the start, I would like to apologize because my computer seems to be having some problems and I'm not able to turn on the camera. It's not recognized the camera, so my video is off. I apologize for that. So, Weston? Weston Cagle: Yeah. Hi everyone, my name is Weston Cagle. I'm an accessibility product specialist here at Deque. I'm looking forward to presenting a little bit of information about axe Reports and how that works alongside the axe Monitor today. Sailesh Panchang: Weston and I, both of us have been doing training with axe Monitor for quite a while. So, it's possible that some of you or quite a few of you would've attended a session in which one of us was present. So in case you do have any queries about this session or anything about Monitor, you can always write to us directly, email our, emails are there or you could try the help desk. Okay. The next slide is about the Refresher Series. The Refresher Series is something that we started this year. This is the third session in the series. These sessions are held every other month. This one, the intent mainly is to get into a couple of topics from axe Monitor, a couple of Monitor features and get into greater detail of a couple of features. So, essentially it's a deep dive into these features. All right. Next slide. Past Sessions and Series Roadmap, that's the slide we are on. So far, as I said, this is the third session. The past two sessions, the first session was on the iterative approach used for setting up scans so that scans and projects are scoped correctly. The second one was on page groups and common issues that you see of the dashboard screen, how to set up page groups and how to set up common issues. This is the third session on using axe Reports with an axe Monitor. We are planning a couple of other sessions this year. One is going to be on tool administration. That's going to be tool administration for system administrators, organization administrators and project administrators. Then there's going to be one on CLI, that's Come Online Interface scripting for setting up login scripts and workflow scripts. The goals or learning objectives for today's session, to understand the reporting capabilities available from within axe Monitor that offers management the ability to track accessibility patterns over time for different digital properties. Also, ability to organize digital properties using business dimensions that correspond to a top-down structure that managers often like to see their data in to help their decision making. Okay. Weston? Weston Cagle: Yeah. Today's agenda we're going to talk about axe Reports screens specifically. Then we're going to get into how to configure those screens and how to configure projects within the axe Reports from axe Monitor. Then Sailesh is going to do a brief introduction on axe Reports here, and then we'll get into the demo. Sailesh Panchang: Thanks. Here is an overview of axe Reports. It's essentially a module available from within axe Monitor. It's available only to users who are logged into axe Monitor. Axe Reports supports two products. That's axe Monitor and axe DevTools. However, at a time, you can see data in axe reports for just one of these products. That is by design because the data cannot be combined, because the data is drawn from the two products that are used in different phases of the system development life cycle and the data covers a different scope. So, that's why the data is not combined and you can see data for just one of them at a time. Then the structure, within axe Monitor you can have many, many projects. It's not required that all projects are represented in axe Monitor. You can choose data for which product projects need to be represented in axe Monitor, sorry, in axe Reports. You can compare data across time periods within axe Reports. You can organize groups. You can organize data using different dimensions, business dimensions. Those dimensions, it could be geographic regions, it could be product groups, it can be application names or even vendor teams. These are dimensions that you would configure in axe Reports. Data from axe Monitor would be sent into axe Reports using this particular structure. So, it's a very flexible structure that you can use. You can view data for a custom date range, and you can roll up data. You can roll up data for a week or a month or day. You can choose to see data using whatever roll-up period you desire. The accessibility score at first is shown for the topmost dimension. It could be the enterprise level. So, you could see the accessibility score or you could see the total issue count for that top enterprise level or the topmost dimension. Then, you can drill down to see data for other dimensions and understand what part of the business is contributing to a better or worse score. That way you can focus your attention on projects and business segments that really need attention. You can also see what it is, which factor or which accessibility issue is causing problems, so your focus can be on those kinds of issues. We'll get into that when Weston demonstrates. What we are using is we are using an imaginary company called the Global HQ. Now this company has two main divisions. One is business. It makes products under business to consumer, a division which is called B2C. There are certain engineering products made under business to business division. Here our focus today is on the business to consumer product lines. There are five units. Each unit is located in a different geographic region and each unit has two product lines. One is called Designer Wear and the other is called Athletic Wear. Under each of them there are two products, one is accessories and one is shoes. Now, Weston is going to bring up axe Reports, show you the organization dashboard and then get into axe Reports. Weston Cagle: Absolutely. As Sailesh mentioned, we're going to cover axe Reports screens here, but before I do that I'm going to switch over into axe Monitor project or organization dashboard. So from this organization dashboard you'll notice that there are multiple projects in here. Some of them are going to be ones that we'll be focusing on today. Others are projects that were used in previous sessions. The ones that we're going to pay attention to and focus on today are all the projects that have AW#1, 2 or 3 or DW#1 and 2 in the project name. As Sailesh mentioned, there's also a suffix for each project that's going to indicate which product line is covered or which product line pages are covered in that particular project. For instance, accessories, shoes as Sailesh mentioned. And then there're also going to be some projects that cover the new product pages. Now I'll switch over to axe Reports and we'll cover some of the screens that are available within axe Reports. First and foremost you'll have this Score Trend screen. The Score Trend screen appropriately named. It'll have a line graph that shows the Score Trend from scan to scan. There are views that you can have or settings that you can have this screen applied to, date range and roll-up as Sailesh mentioned in his introduction. The data roll-up can be done monthly, weekly or daily. You also have date range period. You can set a custom date range or show the date range for the last three months, six months or 12 months. Currently, I have a custom date range applied from December 31st, 2022 to July 7th or July 2nd of this year. We have also the option to select which product I'd like to focus on. Currently, I have it set to axe Monitor. But as Sailesh mentioned as well, you have the option to select axe DevTools and present some usage information and reporting for that product. Beyond the ability to view the Score Trend in a line graph, there's also below the same data represented in a table view, where one column of the table view is going to present the dimension name. So at the top level, here we are with Global HQ as the top level dimension. The data in both the Score Trend table and the Score Trend line graph are going to represent accessibility score, total issues, pages with issues and pages with critical issues and four parameter boxes at the very top of the screen. Within each parameter box you'll have a comparison from the current data that's most recently been sent to axe Reports from axe Monitor and how that compares to the previous data that was sent to axe Monitor. So, whether that accessibility score has gone down from previous scan data. Same thing goes for total issues, pages with issues and pages with critical issues as well. I mentioned the top-level dimension. Sailesh mentioned the ability to roll up data into several dimensions. So, from this screen you have the ability to drill down into the dimensions that you've set up but from both the Score Trend line graph and the table view itself. So, I'll click on the line graph. It will drill down into B2C. You'll notice that the same information has changed for the table view below, once again showing B2C, the Score Trend and the data from scan to scan. I'll drill down once further and get into the dimensions, Designer and Athletic Wear. Once again the table view has changed just to represent the same level of dimension that the Score Trend line graph is also showing. Sailesh Panchang: As a reminder, we have not set up any projects for B2B. That's why you only see B2C and projection B2C. Weston Cagle: Exactly. So additionally from the table view you have the option to increase the number of lines or data that's shown, so how many items per page. I'm interested with only four items showing. You'll have all of them presented because of the lowest number of items that can be shown on a single page is 10. That can go all the way up to a hundred. For one level of dimension, if there are hundreds of lines of data, then you would be able to increase that up to a hundred and be able to view or access the data on fewer pages. We're going to transition now into another axe Reports screen, accessibility health. So from this accessibility health screen you have access to various charts that are going to provide information surrounding issues by category. That is a bubble chart that's going to indicate how many issues by accessibility category there are. So Aria issues, color contrast issues, forms, so on and so forth for each level of dimension that you've drilled down to. Currently we are within the Designer and Athletic Wear dimension where we're able to access the information how many Aria issues are within the Athletic wear dimension, so on and so forth. Sailesh Panchang: As I said, it's possible to focus on what business dimension is doing well and which division needs more attention. You can see that from the graphs and the table views available here. You also see issues by category. For instance if contrast issues, color contrast issues have spiked and if those account for a major portion, you know that you have to focus on the design part of the product, the CSS being used. If there are a lot of form-related issues then the risk could be more because interactivity could be impacted. So, you would have to focus, developers would have to focus on that. If you have lots of PDFs, you would have another category over there. So, that way it's possible not only to see what part of the business or projects are doing well or not so well, also what category of issues needs attention. Weston Cagle: Excellent point. Beyond that issues by category you have access to issues by severity. Which for instance, Athletic Wear and Designer Wear, you have how many critical, serious and moderate and minor issues per dimension. Next to that you have a pages with issues pie graph or pie chart, where you have how many pages with issues are within each dimension. Athletic Wear has 2,292 and Designer having 301 pages with issues. You also have an issues by period screen. So this issue by period screen is going to show information for the past three issue periods. Our three issue periods, so for instance I currently have monthly roll-up selected. There's only data for the last two months within this, for these two projects or for these two dimensions, I mean. So, it's only going to present the last two months of data. However, if there was a third month of data it would show that third month. I have the option to switch that to weekly. You'll notice it's going to then present the information for the last three weeks, June 18th, June 11th and June 4th. Similar to the Score Trend screen, this screen also has a table view below. I can drill down from this, just as I did in the Score Trend screen. So, I can click on the dimension and drill down further into the types of products or type of product pages, Shoes, New, Accessories, as we mentioned before and view the data for those dimensions from this screen. Sailesh Panchang: You can see that a few minutes ago, when Weston showed you the organization dashboard. The projects over there were called AW1-Accessories or AW1-Shoes. Now here, when you're in Axe reports you've got dimensions, you've got these different labels for each of, so you exactly what data is being displayed. You can see the project names can also be briefer. They don't have to have the suffix with accessories or shoes in them. Weston Cagle: Absolutely. Speaking of how the dimensions or how the projects that are set up within axe Monitor are then rolled up or configured and then rolled up into dimensions via axe Reports, let's get into a conversation about the steps for configurations. We're going to start with the dimensions discussion. To get that discussion going, I'm going to pull up an Excel sheet that's going to be helpful to represent projects within axe Monitor and then how the dimensions are going to be assigned to each project. Here I have this Excel sheet. You'll notice that there are columns that are describing the project name in axe Monitor, the organization name in axe Monitor. Then dimensions one through six, as well as the project name in axe Reports. Sailesh, I'll let you take it away, but I wanted to put some context to that. Sailesh Panchang: Okay. Here in the second row you see the dimension descriptor. We've got the dimension descriptor. For first dimension, it's just at the enterprise level. Then you've got Dimension 2, which is Athletic Wear, sorry B2B or B2C, the division name. Then you've got the product line and product group, the actual product, shoes or whatever it is. So depending on management's preference or management's significance that they attach to a particular dimension. Here we've got B2C. Then after that we've got Athletic Wear. Then, what do we have? Designer Wear and so forth. So if we actually wanted to see data for shoes and data for the product, you could switch Dimension 3 as Dimension 3, if that was the intent.I mean if that was more significant for you to view the data, you could do it that way. It's essentially your needs, how you would like to see data. So if shoes for instance is important, you could make that as a higher dimension and the next one as a lower dimension. So, it's important that you list your projects and see what it is, what dimensions you should be using to configure axe Reports. Often when you start charting, when you start putting your projects in the spreadsheet form, you will notice that you will start thinking that, oh, maybe this should not be a dimension. Or maybe this dimension, instead of making it Dimension 3, I should make it Dimension 2. That kind of discussion can happen collaboratively. Once you've done that, once you've finalized how your content should appear in axe Reports in the spreadsheet, then the matter of actually inputting these dimensions into axe Reports becomes an easy task. It becomes more mechanical. Weston Cagle: Absolutely. From the planning process done via or within this Excel sheet, you take that information and what has been discussed and decided internally and start applying that into axe Reports. So, configuration steps after you have had that dimensions discussion. We'll now cover some tasks within axe Reports, specifically configuring projects. The way that you configure projects within axe Reports is via the Configure Manage Projects screen and on the navigation. Of course, not every single axe Reports user is going to have access to this Managed Project screen. This Manage Projects screen is mostly for axe Reports admins who are going to be responsible for configuring the projects within axe Reports and performing those configurations steps that we're going to cover here. From this Manage Projects screen, I have a table. The table view has four columns. The first column being project name as it is displayed in axe Reports, the dimensions that are associated with each project, the data update date and then the actions column. We'll get into the actions column a little bit later, but the dimensions you may notice are extremely similar to what I had presented within the Excel sheet. The Excel sheet has Global HQ as the top-level dimension just as I do here within axe Reports. The next dimension being B2C, followed by Athletic or Designer. Then finally, the type of product page or the type of product that is being scanned within the axe Monitor project, New, Shoes, Accessories, one of those three. Similar to the table within the issues or within the Score Trend screen, I also have the option to increase the number of items that I can access from a single page within this Manage Projects screen. I'm going to increase that to 25 for now. Beyond that, we've talked about what you're going to experience on the Manage Projects screen, what kind of information is available. Then we'll get into, now the configuration of a project. You have an Add New Project button located in the top right of the page. I am clicking on that. I'll scroll through to find the project that I wish to configure within axe Reports. I have a project DW#1_New. Before I start to configure this project within axe Reports, I want to rename how the project's name is displayed within axe Reports. I can keep the same name and convention within axe Monitor, but I also want to change how it is being displayed, shorter within axe Reports. I know Sailesh mentioned a little bit earlier how you can control the length or the naming convention of a project within axe Reports. So, that's what I'm editing here. I click on Edit. Oh, it signed me out. Let's continue working. My apologies. Sailesh Panchang: Yeah. As Weston is signing back in, so just as Weston said, report administrator is a person who does the configuration. The report administrator is not the same as a system administrator for axe Monitor. The report administrator is another individual or could be the same. You have to request Deque help desk to assign someone as a report administrator. Also, the other thing to note is that anyone who has access to data in axe Monitor can view the data in axe Reports. So, it's possible that a particular team that's working with data in one organization of axe Monitor would not have access within axe Monitor to other projects in a different organization in axe Monitor. But if they come to axe Reports, they will see data for all projects that have been set up in axe Monitor. That is by design because this is a reporting tool at the enterprise level. So, you would want to see data across projects, across organizations. That's why you will see data from all projects that have been set up in axe Monitor. Weston Cagle: Absolutely. Thank you for that, Sailesh. I've signed back in. We're back where I was logged out from. I have, again traveled or navigated to the Managed Project screen, clicked on Add New Project. I'm in the process now of changing the display, how the project's name is displayed within axe Reports. Changing it from what is in axe Monitor, which is DW#1_New to just DW#1New or N. I'll click save and I'll continue the process. Once I click on continue, the modal that's present on the screen is going to allow you to enable some dimensions and assign some dimensions to this project. What I'll go ahead and do is assign the same top-level dimension as the other projects within, that I've already configured. Global HQ being that top level dimension, B2C as the second and then followed by Designer and finally New. I'll click on continue. It's going to allow me to review the dimensions that I have associated with this particular project. I have the option to now review. Okay. The top level dimension is Global HQ, followed by B2C, followed by Designer, followed by New. All of that seems correct. I'll click finish. Then that project is going to be... or that particular project is going to present itself on... then be presented on the table that we've covered already. So DW#1N same level dimensions that I had configured it with here. The data updated date is not currently present because there are some further configuration steps that we're going to cover here briefly within axe Monitor. We'll get into that actually right now. Sailesh Panchang: Yeah. This is one step. This doesn't mean that with this the data would automatically come here. There's something that you need to do within axe Monitor also in order to enable the data to be sent to axe Reports. That's what we are now getting into. Weston Cagle: Absolutely. Going back to our slide show here, some tasks within axe Monitor are going to be via the project settings. We'll allow the project data to be sent into axe Reports for a particular project. We're going to navigate to the scan settings for a particular project, to enable scan approval. And finally, go to the project dashboard where you have the option to manually push project data to axe Reports if necessary. For the project that we just configured within axe Reports, DW#1, I will go to the project settings. So settings, drop down within axe Monitor, click on project. Here via the general settings tab within the project settings, I can click Edit and change the radio button that reads include project data in axe Reports from no to yes. So, that's step number one. Step number two would be to go to the scan settings tab within the main navigation. Click on Edit under the action com. Then, click Enable Scan Approval. This Enable Scan Approval is going to tell axe Monitor not to send data to axe Reports if the number of pages differ from 50%, from scan to scan. So if you scanned a hundred pages in one scan and then your second scan brought in 150 pages or 50 pages, axe Monitor would then want you to manually approve the scan data or manually review the scan data before sending that information to axe Reports. Sailesh Panchang: Yeah. This is an optional switch which is there for you to use. Even when it's turned off, data would go automatically to axe Reports whenever a scan is run. Once the configuration has been set in axe Reports and that radio button on the general screen has been turned to show data in axe Reports has been turned to yes, then every time you run a scan, the data is going to go to axe Reports automatically. Weston Cagle: Yes. Sailesh Panchang: On this page you also have the ability to schedule scans. So once you schedule scans weekly, monthly, something we covered in a previous session, every time you run the scan the data is going to go into axe Reports. If you don't schedule scans, then when you run the scan manually after that the data is going to go into axe Reports. That's how this is configured. Weston Cagle: We've covered what's needing to be done via the scan settings. Next we're going to get into the project dashboard. The project dashboard itself has some information of whether information has been... or the scan data has been sent to axe Reports or not, within the scan info section of the project dashboard. In previous sessions we've covered the scan info bar, where it's going to talk about the scan status. It's also going to reference axe Reports status. Has this project's scan data been sent to axe Reports? Currently, with this project it's set to unknown because the project has just been configured and we've set up the... we've changed the settings within the project settings and so on. Now I have the option to update. Click Update axe Reports, and then the current scan data that's presented here via the project dashboard would then be updated within axe Reports. So, I'll go ahead and click on Update axe Reports. I'll then navigate back to axe, or... Within axe Monitor I clicked Update axe Reports. Then I'll navigate to axe Reports, refresh the screen. Via the Manage Projects screen, you'll notice that the data updated date has been updated to 06/20/2023 at 1:42 PM. That's Central Time of course. Once I've clicked that update in axe Reports, that data has now been sent to axe Reports. I'll be able to click into the dimensions via the Score Trend screen, click into Designer and view that data for New, which I'll hide. The data for that project is then represented here on that Score Trend screen. Sailesh Panchang: So in axe Reports you also have the option to download data into a CSV or into a JSON format for the data that is currently displayed on the screen. So, that's available with the options dropdown, where you've got US chart or US table. So, you have the ability to download data in that dropdown. Correct? Weston Cagle: Yes, that's correct. Sailesh Panchang: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. [inaudible 00:39:21]. Weston Cagle: I was showing that on the screen. Sailesh Panchang: Yeah. Okay. Okay. Okay. Weston Cagle: We've covered the steps for configuration, talked about the dimensions discussion, what is needed to configure projects via axe Reports. What are the final steps within the axe Monitor that need to be taken? So, we're going to open it up for the last 15 minutes for questions. I'll click through here Q & A. Grace Kirkley: Great. Just a reminder for participants. If you have questions, feel free to put them in the Q & A module. We'll answer them within the next 15 minutes. So to kick us off, a question here asks, can data be sent to axe Reports without any configuration within axe Reports? Weston Cagle: The answer to that question is pretty simple. No. You need to configure your projects both within axe Reports and then configure that same project, as far as the steps we covered last, within axe Monitor, allowing the project data to be sent into axe Reports and so on. Sailesh Panchang: Also, Weston showed you that checkbox on the scans page where you can click scan approval, yes, no. So if you clicked it and the page count differs, then every time the project manager goes to the dashboard, you would see an alert over there saying the project data has not been sent to axe Reports. It would allow him to investigate what the problem is and then decide whether he needs to rerun the scan or what. Then if he thinks everything is okay... Sometimes it happens that you set up a scan for one level and then you change it to two levels. Then, the page count obviously would go up. Then you forget that you had set that checkbox over there, you had turned that checkbox on. So the page count is more, you would get... the project admin would get an email notification saying the data has not been sent to axe Reports. So, there's an email notification. As well as, whenever the project manager comes to the dashboard, he would see that alert. That would tell him that action is required. Grace Kirkley: Thank you. Next question is, can you only see one organization at a time within axe Reports? Sailesh Panchang: No. Whichever projects you choose to send into axe Reports, you can send them to axe Reports. They can be across organizations. Organization can be a dimension if you choose, or in this example that we had, the organization was called Webinar. But in the dimensions that you saw, you did not have Webinar as an organization at all. So, it's entirely up to your needs, what the dimensions should be and how they should be configured. Grace Kirkley: All right, thank you. What happens to historical scan data if axe Reports configuration needs to be altered? Sailesh Panchang: You want to answer that question? Weston Cagle: Yeah. If you be in the Manage Projects screen, if you have edits to make either to the dimensions levels or the project names, so on, I'll click on this edit action. Clicking on this edit action is going to, again provide me the opportunity to alter the display name within axe reports and then axe Monitor if I see fit. However, let's say that I'm interested in just changing a dimension, maybe the order of the dimensions. Maybe New needs to be above Athletic, for instance, in this project. I'll click on continue. Then you have this apply changes to past scan data for the project. So, any changes that you're going to make to a configured project within axe Reports, I would highly recommend selecting this checkbox before you click on finish so that you're not losing any of that past scan data after the edits have been made. Sailesh Panchang: Also, actually, going back to the question about can data be sent to axe reports, so if turned on the checkbox, the radio button on the General Settings screen, even if you've not set any dimensions, but you add the project to axe Reports, you add the project to axe Reports, but do not add any dimensions, even that is okay. What that does is that, you might still be working on your spreadsheet, trying to figure out what the dimensions should be. But at the same time, you want to capture all the data for all the scans that you're running between now and the time you finalize your dimensions. So, you can keep sending the data to axe Reports without any dimensions set up. Then, when you decide to put in the dimensions, all the data, the historical data would all be there. That would refresh your axe Reports with the latest set of dimensions that you have. Weston Cagle: I also want to point out, for instance, let's say you've set up your axe Monitor project and you have configured that project or projects within axe Reports. For the first four or five scans that you've run, you are scanning one level down. You thought that that was what you were wanting to track for your projects within axe Reports. But later on your organization decides that it's necessary to scan two or three or four, whatever additional link levels down, and you're not interested in having that previous data affect the score trend or the information presented within your axe Reports. You also have this Scan Data option or tab below Manage Projects, where you can go through and individually delete scan data for certain projects on certain scan dates. I thought that was beneficial to point out. Sailesh Panchang: Yes. Yes. That is something the report administrator, who has access to the configure section is able to do. Weston Cagle: Exactly. Grace Kirkley: Wonderful. Moving right along here, is it possible to ensure that only certain users have access to axe Reports? Sailesh Panchang: Well actually, anyone who has access to axe Monitor as a logged-in user will have access to axe Reports. Right now the way axe Monitor and axe Reports are designed and set up, there's no control over who can access data in axe Reports. Anyone who has access to axe Monitor can look at data and axe Reports. Grace Kirkley: Excellent. Where can someone find documentation for axe Reports? Weston Cagle: Within axe Reports, similar to within axe Monitor, there is a dropdown in the top right corner of the screen that has the user's name or the instance of axe Reports underneath the user's name. Clicking on that dropdown, you'll have some options to either sign out, or you have this help option where you can access the documentation for axe Reports. axe Reports has a doc site where you can get some overview of axe Reports, key concepts, using axe Reports, and then release notes when new versions or updates are made to axe Reports. Grace Kirkley: Thank you. I just put the link to the broader doc site where you can find... I believe, is axe Monitor on there as well? Yeah. Weston Cagle: I believe that it's getting transitioned to that doc site shortly. Grace Kirkley: Great. So that'll be coming soon. All right. Unless there are any other questions, we have reached the end here. Thanks everyone for joining us and for your questions today. We hope you found this informative. Be sure to look out for the next session in the next couple of months.