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GAAD 2024 Webinar

Office Hours with Dev A11y Experts

Live Webinar

May 21st, 11:00 AM - Noon (ET)

It's the week of Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD)! Don't you wish sometimes that you could call one of those unicorn accessibility (a11y) expert + development pros to get their advice or for help handling a gnarly issue?

Join us in this live Q&A session with two unicorns - Harris Schneiderman and Rachael Yomtoob. Here is what you can expect in this office hours session:

  • Ask questions about dev & testing process.
  • Submit gnarly issues in advance for some live debugging.
  • Get advice on recruiting more accessibility advocates like you.
  • Get help with axe DevTools (Web and/or Mobile).
Register Now
A developer working on their laptop

Wondering how to submit issues before the live event?

No worries! We'll be inviting you to a discord community to share whichever details you like to help the team to prepare the live debugging session. If you would rather share your questions or tricky issues live in the webinar, that's cool too.

*NOTE: This session will NOT be recorded.

About the Presenters

Harris Schneiderman

Harris Schneiderman

Senior Product Manager by day. Accessibility + Dev Unicorn by night.

Harris is the Senior Product Manager of axe DevTools building awesome web applications at Deque. He helped build Cauldron (Deque’s pattern library), Dragon Drop, and has a strong passion for digital equality. When he is not at work, he still finds time to contribute to numerous open source projects. 


Rachael Yomtoob

Developer Advocate by day. Accessibility + Dev Unicorn by night.

Rachael is a Developer Advocate at Deque. They joined the mobile team as a web developer in 2018 where they had the unique experience of learning both web and native mobile accessibility at the same time. In 2022, they took on the role of Product Owner for axe DevTools Mobile and observed how large organizations implement accessibility at scale. They discovered their passion for accessibility while working on a project team at the University of Michigan that developed an Android application to provide indoor navigation for people with visual disabilities. They are a proud cat parent to three fur babies and enjoy spending free time on their hobbies: marching arts, diamond painting, and Zumba.

Wilco Fiers

Wilco Fiers

Senior Accessibility Engineer & W3C Wizard

Wilco is a developer on and the product owner of axe-core and axe DevTools. He is the project manager for WCAG 3.0 and the facilitator of the W3C’s ACT Task Force. Based in The Netherlands, Wilco is leading Deque’s contribution in the EU-funded WAI-Tools project.