Webinar: Developers' Guide to Getting Started with Accessibility Testing

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This webinar is now on-demand.

In celebration of this year’s Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD), we’re hosting a free webinar for developers of all experience levels to learn how to do a lot of good, using free accessibility testing tools.

Harris Schneiderman, Product Manager and Developer Extraordinaire, will demonstrate how to achieve the following using entirely free tools:

  • Significantly improve your code quality without disrupting your existing testing processes
  • Automatically catching the majority of accessibility issues in-browser
  • Extending accessibility coverage even further with guided testing
  • Automatically catching accessibility issues with even less effort in a VS Code linter
  • Learning how to solve accessibility issues without any WCAG expertise required

Free tools to download:

About the Speaker

Harris Schneiderman

Harris Schneiderman headshot

Harris is the Senior Product Manager of axe DevTools building awesome web applications at Deque. He helped build Cauldron (Deque’s pattern library), Dragon Drop, and has a strong passion for digital equality. When he is not at work, he still finds time to contribute to numerous open source projects.

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