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Got axe DevTools for Web API's? 

If you have access to axe DevTools for Web APIs, then take a look at the many languages and test frameworks we support. You can use the APIs in your end-to-end tests and get accessibility feedback. If you have any problems or questions, email

A collection of programming language and testing framework logos. C sharp, Java, JavaScript, Python, Ruby, RSpec, Jest, Nightwatch, Protractor, and TestCafé

Do more with the full toolkit

If you don't have access to axe DevTools APIs, contact sales to get set up with axe DevTools for Web, the ultimate toolkit for testing web accessibility. In addition to API access, you get:

  • axe DevTools Extension: Test interactively in your browser with automated and AI-powered tests
  • axe DevTools Linter: Test in the IDE, add accessibility checks to your pre-commit hooks, and pull requests
  • axe CLI: Automate testing without having to integrate axe into integration or end-to-end tests

Happy testing!

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