Build understanding with an Accessibility Awareness Lab

Immersive accessibility learning experience for your entire team

People with disabilities often encounter technology challenges that are hard for others to imagine. By learning about these experiences and trying out assistive technology firsthand, your team can gain a new perspective and be inspired to create more accessible products and services.

How the Accessibility Awareness Lab works:

  • Our experts bring the lab directly to you for an interactive learning session.
  • Participants explore different stations, each focused on a specific disability or assistive tool.
  • Your team will try out various assistive technologies to understand how they work and discover innovative accessibility solutions.
  • You'll also have the opportunity to talk with people with disabilities to learn about their experiences and needs.

Through this experience, your team will develop a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by people with disabilities and gain fresh ideas for creating more inclusive designs.

See the Accessibility Awareness Lab in action...


Schedule one for your team today!

Contact us about our Accessibility Awareness Lab